Bestselling Grade 9 model answers
The best investment for exam success.
Examiner-written GCSE English Language and GCSE English Literature model answer collections. Available as eBook (pdf) downloads or as paperbacks from Amazon.
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About Me

MA (Cantab) in English Literature from the University of Cambridge. PGCE, leading to QTS in Secondary English teaching.
More than 15 years of classroom teaching experience in the UK and overseas. More than 15 years of experience as a tutor. Tutoring online since 2016. Clean enhanced DBS disclosure.
Skilled at helping reluctant writers develop writing confidence. Excellent track record with STEM minded students, working to help them find a way to understand GCSE English in a more systematic manner.
1:1 Tuition
Personalised 1:1 Lessons
High quality, personalised online learning using Google Meet and Google Classroom. Lessons can include: homework feedback, reading comprehension, essay practice, timed writing practice, poetry analysis. Homework set after every lesson. Prices from £75 GBP per session.
Regular Writing
Focus on timed exam-style writing, both in lessons and as homework. Direct instruction and generous encouragement to help students overcome bad writing habits and build on their writing strengths.
Large stock of model written work to help students fully understand, and emulate, what a good text looks and feels like. Exemplars are aspirational, challenging and, crucially, designed to please the examiner.
Written work assessed weekly using exam board mark schemes and assessment objectives. Exam board jargon explained and grade boundaries demystified. Precise advice given on how to improve.